Hearts Celebrate ♥

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Do you hear the music?
Isn’t this our song?
The night you held me closely
and I knew I belonged

Do you hear my heartbeat
so in sync with yours?
It’s amazing how well we’ve fit
throughout all these years

Do you know the spell you cast
when you look into my eyes?
My knees fall weak, my dreams are you
Your love makes me high

Our happiness and hills we’ve climbed
are tightly in our minds
They’re for the scrapbook we created
full of laughter and times we cried

I wish for twenty-four more,
of making memories with you
I wouldn’t be complete, My Love,
You’re my rock; My Love so true

© LScott 2013

Happy 24th Anniversary to my Hubby
and I’m posting this to share, not to brag,
because I wish this happiness for everyone!
Sending love and hugs! ♥♥

56 thoughts on “Hearts Celebrate ♥

  1. that’s so beautiful and precious I almost couldn’t hold in the tears in my office 🙂
    God bless you both so much Lauren. Your love for your man is inspirational for all that can see

  2. Julie Catherine

    Awww, Happy Anniversary to you and your wonderful hubby, Lauren – this poem, and especially your lovely photograph, made my heart sing for you! Love and hugs, Julie xoxox

    1. Thanks very much, Julie, and I have a feeling your heart sings quite often. That’s how I think of you and your beautiful writing! I hope you’re having a great day, too! xoxo

  3. Together

    The road was rough
    but we pulled
    Creating the strength
    to bind us
    We’ve managed to do
    this all these years

    Hapy Aniversary my blogging friend.

  4. Happy Anniversary, a few days late but most sincerely meant Lauren, may there be a zillion more years ahead for the two of you filled with love happiness and adventure! (my parents were married for 65 years and every year they said it was a new adventure for them – I wish most sincerely the same for both of you my friend!

    1. Aww…thanks so much, Penny, and please, no worries about being late, either! Late is my middle name! 🙂 That’s wonderful about your parents, Penny! My parents were married almost 67 years before she passed last February…it’s amazing, isn’t it? Thank you again! xo

  5. Life’s greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved,
    May love continuously rule your relationship, as you rule each other with patience and care. I wish you a wonderful (belated) Happy Anniversary….

  6. Blood-Ink-Diary

    Tears of bliss in my eyes as I read your happiness. May you not only see 24 more, but, immortal love where you and sire continue beyond. Very heartfelt poem mingled with utter charm of the scrapbook – both in sachet of tears and laughter together! Barva my dear Lauren. Chasm e ba-duur (It’s in my language -persian – meaning: may the evil eye stay away from your lives, always). xoxooxox

  7. Wishing you and your husband a belated happy Anniversary, dear Lauren.
    I’m very happy for you both 🙂
    love and hugs from across the miles,

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