“Resilience is Her Saving Grace” – Nominated for Publication of the Month by Spillwords Press!

Dear Family and Friends,

I am excited to share that my story “Resilience is Her Saving Grace” has been nominated for Publication of the Month by Spillwords Press. In the past, I’ve only submitted poetry, but I stepped out of the box and submitted this fiction short story that is reality for many, so I am thrilled with this nomination! This recognition means the world to me, and it is an honor to be in the company of so many amazing writers. Thank you to Dagmara, her team at Spillwords, and to the readers who offer the most wonderful support of my writing. The email that landed in my inbox last night was…

Dear writers,

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to every one of you! Your exceptional pieces have been nominated due to popular demand for May’s Publication of The Month. 

We encourage you to share this link with your family, friends, and supporters, as their votes can make all the difference.

To vote, kindly register and/or log in to ensure your voice is heard.

The winning publication will be prominently featured on the Spillwords.com sidebar throughout the entire month of June, gaining well-deserved recognition from our global audience.


  • The Antiquarian by Steven Elvy
  • Crescendo by Alan David Gould
  • Resilience is Her Saving Grace by Lauren Scott
  • The Road Less Travelled by Vidya Venkataramanan
  • A Squirrel’s Front Teeth Never Stop Growing by Barbara Harris Leonhard
  • Sun Over Cadaqués by Kate Aranda Nye
  • The Dark Night of the Soul by Michael Balner
  • There Are Angels on Earth by Simona Prilogan
  • Passages – Last Sailing by Gerry Stefanson
  • (My) Night-Long Lament by Michelle Ayon Navajas
  • From The Land of Olives by Nada M. Sobhi
  • Turning Tables by Nova Loverro
  • In Memory of Harold Bloom by Jake Sheff
  • French Fry Etiquette by Judge Burdon

To all the nominees, good luck! Your contributions have enriched our platform, and we deeply appreciate your excellent collaboration and participation.

Warm regards,

Editing Team | Editing Department

Resilience is Her Saving Grace

The tempest held its vigil on the horizon but continued to fool her. Devotion in his eyes mesmerized her whole being, awakened every pulse in her body. Eyes that spoke the language of love where their future glowed like an apricot dawn. She bestowed her heart permission to be swept into his pools of blue…

And yet, every day she anticipates the sting from his hand – the palm or back, makes no difference. The sting smarts like hell, but her heart secures the brunt of the damage. The slaps begin early each morning if she doesn’t move fast enough to appease his caffeine demands. And it’s ironic that he chose ‘chalet’ for his cell alarm because the calming tone contrasts to his horrific demeanor. After he walks through the front door following a day’s work, if she so much as smiles unknowingly to his disliking, his hand finds her cheek, and she feels the strike of skin even before impact. 5 p.m. on the mantel clock makes her heart pound as though trying to make a getaway.

The house that once was a home mirrors a prison. Cameras keep their eyes on her as he watches from his downtown office. Claustrophobia slithers down her spine. She struggles to quell the panic attacks. And her cell is meant only to reach him or to answer his calls. He tracks her like a wild animal. The ring on her finger stole all contact from the outside world – lost like a loved one’s passing. Grieving has no end, but she doesn’t dare misbehave because the pain is relentless.

She recalls the beautiful moments when his hands would send tingles from her neck down the map of her body. What did I do wrong? consumed her every thought when he transformed from loving husband to beast. Thoughts that became so tangled, she couldn’t ruminate until the truth stared her in the face. Her cheeks grew hot like asphalt in August from the realization that the monster had always existed.

Before the perfect couple whispered those two celebrated words on that breezy afternoon, signifying “You are my forever person,” he wore charm impeccably like a well-pressed dress shirt – his kisses intoxicating as jasmine, gentle like summer rain – respect enfolded in each embrace. Then donning satin and lace, the solitaire sparkled like her heart and soul, but true personas can take cover behind convincing eyes and smiles.

How could she have missed the signs? She ponders over and over.

Time – revelations, decisions, and strategies always take time. Her defense, submission, though she loathes appearing weak, and the agony tests her strength. But the path will wend its way, leading her to a door for a fresh start, caressing her bruised face and her body, his punching bag.

Gazing out the window, she watches courage whirl among the cottony clouds. Around the corner, freedom waits with intensity, as though motioning for her to come closer, excited for her new, safe beginning. She witnesses a glimpse of hope in the pink daisy pushing through the crack in the sidewalk.

But biding her time means life, and staying alive is her objective. She must bleed toughly. Resilience is her saving grace and not meant to be scattered on the floor, anymore.
She must be smart to be free.

If you’d like, you can visit the original post of “Resilience is Her Saving Grace” on Spillwords by clicking here.


Photo by George Dolgikh on Pexels.com

© Lauren Scott, Baydreamerwrites.com – All rights reserved.
Spillwords images and email courtesy of Spillwords Press.

I appreciate you and your wonderful support!
Lauren ❤️

97 thoughts on ““Resilience is Her Saving Grace” – Nominated for Publication of the Month by Spillwords Press!

    1. Thanks so much, Cindy! I appreciate your wonderful words, and it’s very exciting, but tough to be in the running with friends. 🙂 It’s going to be a nail-biter week, as I mentioned to Barbara. I loved her poem too. I’m crossing my fingers though! 💝🎊

      1. You’re so very welcome, Lauren. It’s always the way and I know exactly what you mean. It’s so nice to be in the running with such talented authors for sure❣️💕 Enjoy the limelight💕

  1. Lauren-Wow! Congratulations 🎉 on this amazing nomination! Such an inspiring story that depicts a woman’s strength through a dark and scary time in her life. You are such an amazing writer. I envy you and your writing talent 💕

      1. You are very welcome sweetheart. I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true 🥰 You and many other bloggers are a huge inspiration to me. 💕💜 I envy each and everyone of you.

  2. Congratulations and best of luck on your nomination… I just voted! I’m glad you put this important work out there for more people to read your important message about partner abuse.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Curt, and I couldn’t agree more with you in how incomprehensible spousal abuse seems and how important the message is to spread. This is why I was so grateful for Spillwords to publish my story on their site, hoping that those who need the hope will read it. And it is my first short story to submit to them, which makes the nomination even more special. Thanks again!

  3. Pingback: Hiking, Basking, Remembering, & Voting! – Baydreamer ~ Lauren Scott

  4. Lauren! I read this. I just didn’t know it was nominated. It’s a brilliant, moving write, and on that basis, you’ve already won.


      1. No worries. You’ve won before . You’ll win again!
        The story is a winner.
        In my career I designed costumes for over 50 movies/tv shows. I had to interview for each one. I didn’t get every job. In the end I’m guessing I did over 150 interviews to get those 50 jobs. Win some, lose some.

        The piece you wrote is special. I mean..hard to say wonderful, fabulous , etc. because of the subject matter, but well done, worthy, important come to mind.
        I admire you!

      2. Resa, you inspire me to write! ✍️ I can’t thank you enough for your steadfast support and encouragement!!! 🩷 And I am in awe of your skill and talent to have had a career in film! That’s beyond awesome!!! So, I admire you too! Lots of love and hugs for a happy weekend. We just got home from a two mile hike. Another success and the morning was beautiful! 😍❤️🌷💚🎉🙏🏻

I appreciate your thoughts!