The Wisdom of Signs

Yesterday, I met a friend for breakfast, and then we took a walk through downtown and the neighborhood. We both were struck by the beauty and uniqueness of this sign that is not uncommon to any of us. So, below are thoughts that came to mind in the form of haiku:

when children are near
absorb their laughter, the joy
flowing into you

snails teach with their wise
leisure movements, taking in
beautiful backdrops

slow down your travels
do not let decades escape
catalogue moments

pause in your footsteps
regard life’s celebrations
breathe in their fragrance

Lauren Scott (c) ❤️

Tiny Treasures by the Sea

precious works of art
remain forever priceless

as time ticks away

rocks and shiny shells
of all shapes and colors bring
joy to childlike hearts

sandy shore offers
troves of tiny treasures for

smooth-as-silk green glass
in clay molded with fancy
edges shows vision

paintbrush through fingers
brows furrowed, concentrating
cherished masterpiece

tiny hands create
a piece of art, melting the
heart decades later

Lauren Scott (c)
Our son made this
when he was little,
forever priceless.