New Release: Petals of Haiku – An Anthology!

Dear Family and Friends,

I am honored to be a part of this beautiful anthology created, compiled, and edited by Gabriela Marie Milton at Literary Revelations! Over 150 poets with four haiku each are included in Petals of Haiku which is a Top New Release on Amazon, and my copy has arrived! I’ve already immersed myself into the lovely and delicate poetry – truly a beautiful collection!

I sprinkled some pink blooms throughout the post for this joyful occasion, and I recorded two of my haiku for your listening pleasure.

A few words from Gabriela about the Anthology:

Petals of Haiku is not just an anthology that Literary Revelations is proud to publish. It’s a masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of haiku poetry like never before. The spectacular haiku writers featured in this collection bring to life the delicacy of seasons and the profound range of human emotions, from joy to grief, in a way that is both delightful and deeply moving.

The art on the cover by award-winning painter Hikari sets the tone for what awaits inside – a world where words dance off the page and into your heart. The background photo by award-winning Japanese photographer Naoki Kimura adds another layer of beauty to this already exquisite collection.”

To order your copy!

If you’re not familiar with Gabriela’s blog, I’m including some facts to entice you because each time you visit Literary Revelations, it is easy to lose yourself in the beauty through the written word…

We publish most poetry genres: epic, lyric, narrative, or prose poetry.  We expect work that dazzles the intellect, and delights the soul; work that makes feelings blossom into symphonies of love, beauty, and sorrow. Interpret the silence. Find the place where love was born, and tears are entombed. Be the voice of prophets. Be the soft whisper of Sakura. Dream, create, suggest. Avoid cliches. Avoid the banal and the explicit, even if both have become trendy.  Remember “To define is to kill. To suggest is to create.” (Stéphane Mallarmé).  We also publish fiction such as mystery, romance, fantasy, and other types.

Congratulations to Gabriela and to all authors in Petals of Haiku, and thank you, Gabriela, for this amazing opportunity! ❤️

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
© Gabriela Marie Milton, Literary Revelations – All rights reserved.
Image and All information regarding Petals of Haiku.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you’ve ordered your copy!
Have a lovely week ahead! ❤️

86 thoughts on “New Release: Petals of Haiku – An Anthology!

  1. Matt


    I am so proud of you and happy for your haiku poetry. You are a beautiful woman, wife and mother!

    I look forward to reading more!😎

  2. Congratulations, Lauren, how exciting for you to be part of this anthology! I don’t follow as many poets as I once did but I’m amazed at how many are in this book, and was pleased to now see you are among them.

    I loved your haiku and while I enjoy reading them, there is something special about hearing the words recited by the author. The sprinkling of blooms in the post is a nice touch, too!

    1. Thanks, Steve, and since you don’t follow many poets, I feel honored that you follow me. 🙂 It is amazing to have so many poets in the book though, which is why I’m grateful to be included. Thanks for listening to my recording, and I’m glad you enjoyed the blooms. Have a great day! It’s heating up here through Thursday. 🤩

      1. My pleasure, Lauren. I’ve enjoyed reading your work ever since I started following your blog, and it’s an abiding feeling. Plus, I very much enjoy our dialogue and appreciate your thoughtful comments.

        Cool and stormy here this week, but I have been keeping up with outdoor activities, sometimes cold and wet! It’s supposed to be sunny and warm for the weekend though!

      2. I feel the same way about meeting you and your musical blog, Steve. 🙂 And I think the heat wave is behind us, but it was brutal. Warm, perfect days are coming up, I believe. Enjoy yours! Btw, I haven’t had time to read blogs because of some ‘life’ stuff happening. But I will get to yours when I can. Have a great day!

      3. Awww that’s very kind, Lauren. I wish you well with the life stuff. I haven’t blogged in days as the week has just been too busy.

    1. You’re so welcome, Gabriela! I’m glad you liked the post and it’s my absolute pleasure to help with the promotion. Thanks so much for your kind words about my recitation too, and again, I feel honored to be included. I’m halfway through the book, and it’s such a beautiful collection. ❤️❤️

  3. Congrats, Lauren. It was wonderful to listen to your poems, Lauren. I’m about halfway through the collection (taking my time) and the poetry is stunning. Thanks for the reminder to share it on my blog too since I was also honored to have some poems included. Hugs.

    1. Thanks for the wishes, Diana, and for listening too. I’m slowly getting used to hearing my own voice. 🙂 I agree, the poetry is stunning, and I love yours! I feel honored to be included with you in this beautiful collection. I know that Gabriela appreciates all the promotional support. So I’ll watch for your post. Sending hugs, my friend. 😍

    1. Wow, Robbie, that is so kind of you to say. And I can say the same about your haiku, but everything you write resonates with me in some way. 🙂 So, Congrats to you too! I finished the book, and it really is a lovely collection. 💞

  4. Dear Lauren,


    I listened to your 2 wonderful Haiku. It is a most pleasant experience to hear you recite your work.

    Cheers to you and all the poets who contributed to this anthology.

    I can see your excitement as you hold up the book. The cover is fabulous.

    It’s a beautiful day!

    Also, your pink petals are perfect for the occasion.


    1. Hi Resa, thanks for your lovely words and wishes to all the poets. And for listening to my recitation. I love the cover too; Gabriela did a fabulous job. I finished the book, and it really is a lovely collection that I’m honored to be a part of…I’m glad the pink petals worked out also. 💗💕🌷💝

  5. Wow. You were born to be a Writer Lauren, this “Haiku Poetry called ” Petals of Haiku” is an exceptional, fantastic and remarkable piece that every Poet Writer needs to get their hands on.

    Also, great poetry and thanks for sharing your book which is on Amazon. I am very impressed with your dedication Lauren, it is truly admired and respected🙏✨

    1. You are so kind, Mthobisi! Thank you so much for your wonderful words of support and encouragement. I truly appreciate them! I am thrilled to be a part of Petals of Haiku, and I finished reading my copy, and it really is a lovely collection from over 150 poets. Thanks again for your beautiful comment. ❤️

  6. Congratulations, Lauren. I’m so happy for you! Your poetry is exquisite, and I hope to pick up a copy of this anthology soon to check out your poetry and that of several other of my WP blogging friends.

    Wishing you a grand week ahead, my friend. 😊

    1. Thanks so much for your wonderful words of support, Mike! I truly appreciate them. I finished the book and it really is a beautiful collection. I hope you feel the same when you get the chance to read it. I’m on a little blogging break now. There’s a lot going on and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. 🙂 All is good though, but I need to focus on other things for a while. So take care and I’ll see you later in the month. 🤗

  7. Lauren, what a unique and beautiful collection and congratulations for being part of this anthology. I love your reading of the two beautiful haikus and lovely to hear your voice! The concept behind Literary Revelations is inspiring and profound – ‘ Be the voice of prophets.‘ – wow! hugs, Annika xx ❤️

    1. Hi Annika, thanks so much for reading and listening and for your kind words. I finished reading the book, and it truly is a lovely collection that I’m honored to be a part of. I’m on a blogging break, so sorry for the delay. Take good care and hugs back! 🩷🌷

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