The Comforting Gifts of Nature

teardrops slowly fall
petals catch their emotions
nature’s consoling


© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
Photo: Abutilon from our yard.

Thank you for stopping by, and I wish you a wonderful day! ❤️

My latest collection of poetry, touching on nature, love, and the mysteries of life.
Click on the image for your copy. Thank you! 💚

Hope Stays Strong

bloodshed abundant
unfathomable for hearts
we all bow our heads

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
Photo: Abutilon in our backyard.

Click on the image to
purchase your copy.

I am touched by those who enjoyed my book
and who have written beautiful reviews. 🩵
And a friendly nudge… if you enjoyed my book,
please consider sharing a review on Amazon

and Goodreads. The best gift for authors! 🙏🏻

Finding peace…

Dear Friends,

I hope you’re doing well. Our family has been spending as much time as possible with my father-in-law who is nearing the end of his life. He is on hospice, living in a lovely facility with the best care. It has been difficult to witness his body failing, but the silver lining is that spending more time with him has been a gift – these moments have given us room to prepare for the inevitable. When he is lucid on occasion, the gift is even greater.

Writing poetry during my break has been soothing. This surreal experience has been emotional for all of us, but if it inspires me to write, my husband feels it’s a beautiful thing. I was motivated to try a Haibun for the first time after reading D.L. Finn’s gorgeous poetry book, Deep in the Forest Where Poetry Blooms. I loved her collection and will share a review and a couple others in the next few weeks.

This piece may not qualify as a Haibun, but it’s a beginning…

The Last Days

The outdoor temperature feels like a summer day in August though ghosts and goblins lurk around the bend. The orange ball shines brilliantly lighting up the clear blue sky. But inside his room, death awaits in the corners – a dreary atmosphere until we turn on lights to uplift our spirits. Classical music drifts out the windows, swirling around the trees and gardens still bursting with reds and oranges. Photos of family and friends, and ball caps from favorite sports teams embellish the bare white walls.

He lies in bed each day, body frail. A vision we hope will fade over time. A vision contrasting to the man who hiked mountains. The small clock ticking on the bedside table and the calendar hanging on the wall irrelevant. His words, an untranslatable language. His appetite, diminished, but it’s time for breakfast, so we pull the lids from each tub. He slightly opens his mouth like a mama bird feeds her chick, and we gently hold the spoon so he can take in tiny bites of pureed eggs and oatmeal. The tubs still look full, but so is his stomach. Sleep calls him. His chest slowly moves up and down with soft breaths. We stretch out this moment, then we lay a kiss on his forehead, tell him that we love him and that we’ll see him later. We steal one more glance at Dad, then we slowly walk out the door with tears struggling for freedom.

a routine until
he slowly draws his last breath
preparing our hearts

**A Haibun is a combination of prose and haiku, and usually includes autobiography, diary, essay, prose poem, short story, or travel journal.

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

To buy your copy, please click on the
image. Thank you!

Thank you to those who have purchased your copy of Ever So Gently,
and who have shared beautiful reviews. 🩵

Thanks so much for visiting, and I look forward to reading your posts again. ❤️

Mountain Lake Magic 💚

blue nylon walls keep
us sheltered from elements
cozy mountain home

sitting on the shore
sun dips in and out, playing
hide and seek with clouds

kayakers paddle
no destination in mind
adventure awaits

lakeside writing time
inspiration surrounds me
thoughts on conveyer

backcountry hikers
shelter in tent, laughing at
mother nature’s moods

bumble bee jets by
avoids crashing into us
enticed by purple

lizard scurries by
why is she in a hurry?
must be dinner time

we watch chipmunks play
springing from branch to branch, a
forest jungle gym

sun descends behind
clouds, magic in vivid hues
one more miracle

surface shimmers like
diamonds, satin smooth , invites
for refreshing dip

sleepy eyes open
to apricot hues above
new morning marvel

Do you have a favorite haiku? Or favorites? I’d love to hear your thoughts. ❤️

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
All photos: Lauren Scott

My latest collection of poetry –
I prompt you to reminisce and reflect on your past, present, and future.
Through the ups and downs, what matters most is to love and live ever so gently.
Please click on the link to purchase your copy.
Thank you to those who have bought a copy and who have shared wonderful
reviews. My heart is full of gratitude.

The Magic of Redwoods…

soaring to the top
with best view of stunning park
she feeds her babies

its numbers decline
endangered species, precious
dark brown spotted owl

watching from above
birds’ chorus resounds within
grandiose forest

advocates promote
for the cultural touchstone
brown, white spots, those eyes

four inches in length
wandering salamander
lives like king in crown

watching intently
in pursuit of carrion
a huge bald eagle

hold dreams close to heart
raise face to the beguiled blue
evergreens enchant

sunbeam bursts throughout
crowns of majestic redwoods
hope twirls with a breeze

they stand defiant
soaking up carbon and mist
life support for all


Spotted owls, a myriad of bird species, and salamanders are only a fraction of the wildlife that live in redwood forests.

We hung out with the redwoods on Mother’s Day, and I couldn’t imagine a better place to celebrate! I hope you enjoyed the facts and the magic! 💖

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.