A Symbiotic Relationship

I gently inhale
so not to disturb my friend
a thrilling moment

checkerspot observes
while sipping from the buckeye
I click quietly

buckeye’s pure white blooms
invite the bay checkerspot
for mid-morning drink

a relationship
two partners depend on each
equally to live

our presence caused no
panic to the winged beauty
fortunate for us

© Lauren Scott, Baydreamerwrites.com – All rights reserved.
Photo: Roy’s RedwoodsI researched and this is the type of butterfly
that is attracted to buckeye trees. More inspiration to write!

Which is your favorite haiku?

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Have an awesome weekend! ❤️

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93 thoughts on “A Symbiotic Relationship

  1. Lovely! Lauren, in my mind this takes me to the butterfly garden at our city’s conservatory where we sat Thursday with our grandson in awe of the many beautiful and delicate winged ones flying about, creating delight.

    Have a happy Saturday, my friend! 🤗

    1. Thanks, Steve! I’m happy to transport you back to that beautiful scene with your grandson. We were amazed that our friend didn’t fly away, but we did our best to stay quiet and move slowly. Wishing you the same, my friend! 🤗🦋

      1. Thank you! BTW, the butterfly emoji you used is exactly the colour of one of the tropical varieties The Leaf conservatory now has again after only having local species for a while.

  2. Gorgeous photograph, and such a delicate touch with the poetry. I always enjoy your interactions with nature, Lauren. So peaceful and soothing. 😊🦋

      1. I will check it out, Lauren. I’ve received several comments today but one never knows what goes on with WordPress. Thank you for letting me know.💗

  3. Beautiful photo and poetry, Lauren. They each stand alone but together they are even more sublime. And, btw, I was blown away by the redwoods. I’ve never been in a place so silent and blissful. It was amazing. I’m thrilled (and envious) to know you live so close. ❤

    1. Thanks for your visit and kind words, Diana. We were thrilled to see that butterfly, and even more thrilled that it allowed us to take a photo of it. 🙂 It’s wonderful that you were able to visit the redwoods. Now you know what I’m talking about! And we are lucky to have them in our backyard. A few weekends ago, we hiked in Roy’s Redwoods just 15 minutes away. Someday we’ll move though, and I will miss them. 🩷

      1. It was one of the most beautiful places I’ve visited, Lauren. It was soooo hard to capture their quiet majesty in a photo, really impossible. I’m glad you’re getting out there while you can (until you move). Hugs.

  4. Wow. This is great Lauren.
    The title “A symbiotic relationship” is very enchanting and for a minute I thought you were talking about a relationship✨ between two people.

    Anyways, as always you write beautiful poetry that is interesting and exudes greatness. I love the opening poem, I would say this poem is still and calm. Well done on the book also, great copy and I might just check it out📙

    1. Thanks for your amazing comment, Mthobisi! Your words are always so encouraging, and I hope you enjoy my book if you do check it out. I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. Catching that butterfly was a treat for us. Have a great weekend, my friend.

      1. Thank you Lauren. You are very talented as a Writer, I am convinced now because you have a book for us Readers to read, it is not easy to write a book.

        Have a great weekend as well✨🙏

I appreciate your thoughts!