
He had just entered the world
his body tiny and delicate
a bundle needing to be loved
His skin darker than theirs
but this made no difference
Joy danced in their hearts
when he became family

but with each passing birthday
the skin color confused him,
badgering his emotions
like poison flowing
through his veins
causing him to act out
in unforeseen ways

their circle was broken
when he walked out the door

leaves on the trees
changed their wardrobe,
falling over and over and over again
his silence shattered their world

until he walked through the door
realization in his heart
realization in his soul
embracing them for the love,
for the home they gave him

skin color irrelevant
they were family

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

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67 thoughts on “Reconnected

  1. Trully touched by your beautiful poem Lauren.
    We don’talways understand how hard it can be for some. But what counts is being able to reconnect. This is a true gift.
    Thank you and stay blessed for sharing such beauty.

    1. Thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts, Marie. And you’re right, the story of others can be heartbreaking, but reconnecting is the happy, beautiful ending that anyone would want. Thanks again for your wonderful words, my friend. ❤️

  2. Yes we are all the same under that skin. Ask the medical practitioners. However because of this misguided belief that one skin color is superior to another a child who does not match the color of its parents can be confused by the reaction of those who are ignorant from both ends of the ethnic divide and you’ve bought that out well in your poem. I’ve worked in many countries around the world and I can assure you that racism is practiced everywhere and not the sin of only one ethnic group.

      1. Ah, I wondered. A friend of mine adopted a child because she couldn’t become pregnant. Then she had two natural children. The adopted one has given her a lot of grief because he looks different to the rest of the family. That is why I wondered as it seemed close to home.

      2. It sounds similar as there were a few years when he was out of their life. He had to figure out who he was, but then they were family again. This was years ago, so the ending is happy. They also adopted another boy, two wonderful nephews of mine. And the second son is my illustrator for the children’s book I’m working on. I hope your friend’s story ends happily too. 🩷

I appreciate your thoughts!