Lively Limericks for Mother’s Day! 🌷

A pink rose for our moms whom we miss so much.


She is a classy, lovely mother
Who puts herself last behind others
Their care comes first
Health, hunger, or thirst
They love her – daughter and brother.


How special to become a mother
Devoted but not to smother
To love and raise
Till the end of her days
Mothers are the essence of summer!

Special Day

The special day comes every year
But not all hold their mothers dear
Words that criticize
Make tears leak from eyes
Sad those hearts didn’t hold their babes near

Smiles and Giggles

What a miracle to be a mom
Caring for babes with a heart of calm
Relish in their smiles
And giggles heard for miles
Music to a mother’s ear, a balm.

Not Fragile

Mothers are an exceptional class
Their work ethic no one can surpass
Cooking and cleaning
Diapering and weaning
They are strong, not fragile like glass!

Warrior Soul

Caring for her children is her role
Keeping them safe and happy is her goal
A multitasker
Sought after
Her skills are plenty, a warrior soul!


DNA does not a mother make
DNA may produce a mother fake
Who only thinks of herself
Baby’s needs on the shelf
Baby’s life unimportant and at stake.


A mother’s talents are exhaustible
But clearly, they are not implausible
Many balls in the air
She juggles with flair
Her demeanor is surely laudable!

Golden Worth

A mother’s love comes from her heart
That blooms and glows right from the start
Cradling at birth
A golden worth
She’ll give her All to do her part!

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

Do you have a favorite or two? 😁
Happy Mother’s Day Weekend to all the loving and unselfish moms who have hearts of gold, and to the moms who have left our world, but who live in our hearts. I’m thinking of my mom and mother-in-law, Doris and Diane. 🩷🌷


Thank you for visiting, and I wish you a sunshiny weekend!❤️

My latest collection of poetrytouching on nature, love, and the mysteries of life
that would make a great for any holiday! Click on the image for your copy. Thank you! 💚

The Other Side

The Other Side

One hundred and one years ago,
He breathed in air for the first time
What better day to gift him freedom

His spirit ascended watching over us
He painted the rainbow of love and hope
We felt his presence ever so near
With white and red, we made a toast

As the dust blew along the breeze
The song of sparrows echoed

Our eyes looked to the bright blue
his loving soul glides with the angels


Thank you for visiting, and I wish you a wonderful week!❤️

My latest collection of poetrytouching on nature, love, and the mysteries of life
that would make a great for any holiday! Click on the image for your copy. Thank you! 💚


He had just entered the world
his body tiny and delicate
a bundle needing to be loved
His skin darker than theirs
but this made no difference
Joy danced in their hearts
when he became family

but with each passing birthday
the skin color confused him,
badgering his emotions
like poison flowing
through his veins
causing him to act out
in unforeseen ways

their circle was broken
when he walked out the door

leaves on the trees
changed their wardrobe,
falling over and over and over again
his silence shattered their world

until he walked through the door
realization in his heart
realization in his soul
embracing them for the love,
for the home they gave him

skin color irrelevant
they were family

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

Just click on the image to purchase your copy,
and if you enjoyed this collection,
please consider sharing a review
on Amazon and/or Goodreads.
Reviews are like hugs.

Giving Thanks, Jingle Bells, & Lots of Nostalgia

With the holidays upon us, my memory can’t help but reel back a few decades. Our parents were still alive, all of their grandkids were young, and those big, noisy family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas were anticipated with excitement. Sure, giving and receiving gifts at Christmas time is rewarding and fun (in that order), but what I truly miss is ‘the noise, the laughter, the chaos, the loved ones’ (section 2 of my book). And I remember when our daughter and son were precious little bundles of joy. The elation my husband and I felt when our family became 3 then 4, and then complete. Don’t misunderstand though – returning to the past isn’t my wish, I’m simply reminiscing. So, I’ve shared this poem before that you’ll find in the same section of my book. But because these images have come to life once again, I’d like to share it one more time. I hope you don’t mind, and perhaps, you’ll relate to my nostalgic frame of mind…

First Breath

With every new miracle of life
answers aren’t scripted in the stars,
but I knew since your very first breath
my life would become yours.

Through innocent eyes and curious touch
each new discovery you shared,
your smile grew bigger than the sun,
your heart’s elation declared.

You stowed dreams in the clouds,
imaginings rose higher than the heavens.
Cuddling you in that first euphoric light
made me fall in love with you in seconds.

Life has blossomed into delight and wonder
in every part of its glowing greatness,
and with each ounce of my being,
my enduring love for you is ageless.

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
The first 3 photos of our daughter, Stephanie, and the last 3 of our son, Michael.

Click on the image to purchase your copy. 💚

Our babies are now 32 & 28, so they’re not babies anymore,
but I suppose they will always be our babies no matter their age.

I appreciate your visit today and wish you a wonderful week!
~ Lauren 🩷🙏

He’d say, “Live your life!”

I’ve written and shared several poems during my father-in-law’s decline on hospice, and then for his passing on Halloween. My last post was a tribute to all our parents who are now together for their eternal adventure. But Wil would say, “It’s time to move on and life your life!” Actually, my parents and my mother-in-law would say the same thing with gusto! So, while we’re in the midst of grieving, taking care of business, and planning Wil’s Celebration of Life, I’m moving forward regarding blog posts, but I truly appreciate all of the kind words and condolences my family has received. 🙏🏻❤️

And now I’ve fallen behind on some reblogs, the first from Barbara at Book Club Mom when she featured my latest book, Ever So Gently. She is a wonderful support to Indie Authors with her Author Update posts. So, thanks again, Barbara! To read the entire post and learn more about my book, click on the link below that will take you to Barbara’s site. Please take time to peruse her blog where she shares the books she reads along with her wonderful reviews. And yes, I’ll most likely share more about Ever So Gently, but that’s life for a self-published author. It’s not easy to promote one’s work, but it has to be done. So, I hope you all understand. 💚

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
Photo taken by my son, Michael, at Arches National Park in Utah.

Click on the image to
purchase your copy.

I am touched by those who enjoyed my book
and who have written beautiful reviews. 🩵
And a friendly nudge… if you enjoyed my book,
please consider sharing a review on Amazon

and Goodreads. The best gift for authors! 🙏🏻

Thanks so much for visiting todayand I wish you
a gentle start to your week.

~ Lauren ❤️