Be My Guest

thank you in the sandDear Family and Friends,

Today’s post is primarily to thank you all for your support and encouragement throughout the years. I believe 2018 will mark my 7th year of blogging. Many of you have been with me since day one, so your endless support and friendship is invaluable to me. To those of you who are new to Baydreamer, I appreciate your interest and time taken to visit, as well, and hope you’ll find something special to draw you back now and then. 

With this being said, I invite All of You to visit my Guestbook (see Guestbook tab). If you have the time, I’d love to hear from you, also. Even if you’ve visited before, “liked” or written me a note, now is as good as time as any to write again. Years have passed, bloggers and blogs have endured changes over time. So, you might have something new to say. 

Anyway, Thanks Again, and I’m ending with some beautiful wisdom…

best things

Love, Lauren ❤❤❤

(Photos courtesy of Google)

35 thoughts on “Be My Guest

  1. Dear Lauren, Thank you also! for your friendship and sharing with all of us your beautiful work.! It’s hard to believe we are hanging out all this years already in the blogger world. May your 2018 be wonderful , happy and healthy . Love across the big blue pond ❤ ❤

    1. Dear Francina, you’re welcome and thank you! I also can’t believe it’s almost been seven years. Crazy! But, I’m so glad to have met you and have your beautiful friendship. You know I also love your amazing writing and will continue to do so. Wishing you all the same for 2018, my friend, and lots of Love across the creek! 💕🛥

  2. Been a pleasure following your contributions Lauren, seem to think I have been following you for years now.
    Our posts are only as good as our followers appreciation, in your case you are an invaluable contributor to Word Press.

    1. Thanks, Ian, and I think you’re right. You’ve been a faithful follower of mine for awhile, and I really appreciate all your support and feedback. And thank you for your kind words, too, which I’m humbled by. I’ve enjoyed your amazing traveling adventures, along with your beautiful romance poems. I look forward to more, also! Take care…

    1. Well, I can honestly say, Binky, that I’ve already been very lucky to have friends like you who continue to stop by and support my little piece of the blogging pie. 🙂

  3. Thank YOU Lauren, for being there, and for your generosity. We lost touch for a couple of years and I’m so glad we reconnected. (Have been here 6-1/2 years myself and I remember you from the beginning.)
    Hugs to you! 💞💞💞

    1. Thanks so much, Betty, and I’m glad we’ve reconnected, too. Our time frame is just about the same, so let’s make it another 6 or 7! 🙂 Much love and many hugs back to you! 💗🌹🥂

  4. Happy seven years in writing and presenting such great, well organized post,,,Its always enjoyable reading your line….you have such elegance in your method!!

    1. Your kind words warm my heart, Mihran. They’re so nice to hear. Thank you very much, and I love listening to your beautiful music and reading your beautiful words, as well. Have a blessed day, my friend…

    1. Thanks so much, Charlotte! It’s hard to believe I made it this long because there were many breaks and thoughts of calling it quits. It’s been a great experience though. Much love to you and wishing you all the best in your musical adventure. Keep singing and sharing your gorgeous voice! ❤🎵

      1. I’ve had so many blog friends quit, I’ve thought about it too when I get too busy to keep up with everyone’s posts but it helps when I’m alone, no tv, student digs, and stops me getting too absorbed in my own work and World of Music. I can’t visit everyone as much as I’d like but it’s a warm community available 24/7 that gives me support and encouragement when the going can get tough.

      2. I’ve experienced the same, but you said it so well about being a warm community available 24/7 for support and encouragement when the going gets tough. I feel the same, and it’s been great to know you, as well…

  5. Wow! Seven years of blogging – many congratulations dear Lauren! And I’m so glad we’ve met here! 😚 Keep writing and sharing your wonderful words and views on life, my friend! xoxo 💕💖💗

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah! There were times I thought of quitting, but I’m glad I didn’t because now we’ve met. 🙂 I appreciate your kind words, too, which encourage me to continue in this magical land of blogging. Many Hugs! 💕💕

      1. Aww – Lauren! Thank you so much for your words – they mean more to me than you can know! 😀 At the moment I can´t even imagine blogging for so long, I´m at it for 2 1/2 years now and that´s more than I ever thought possible! LOL! But wonderful and inspirational people like you give me hope I might make it too. Love! xoxo ❤

  6. We are gifted the wonderful experience that is the blogosphere, our own domain of creative spirit and sharing. Our greater gift is the reading experience, the joy of interpretation and the celebration of words as we peace them together. You are such a vibrant part of that process, that experience, Lauren.

    Bless you, for that and more. May 2018 be truly fulfilling in your life and your writing.

    1. Thanks so much, Don, for your beautiful comment. This realm is pretty special with all the exceptionally gifted people we meet, you being one of them! I only try my best and hope that whatever I’m posting will resonate with someone. 🙂 I wish you all the best in your poetry and collaborations, too, and I look forward to reading more! Thanks for all your catching up, also!

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