In Honor of Earth Day…

and this sunny, Monday morning, I’m sharing a poem from my book, Ever So Gently. If you’ve already read it, I hope you don’t mind a repeat. 🙂 This poem was inspired from one of our lake trips in the Sierra Mountains…

The First Morning

Our eyes open to chirps
from high in the fir trees,
and we hear the rustle
of a skittering squirrel.
The evening before,
every creature
became silent
as darkness sank
into the evening.
But this morning,
with sunlight
caressing the lake,
we walk the few steps
to calm water,
nestle into our chairs
and slowly sip our coffee.
We listen.
Cottony clouds drift by.
We want to move into
them, feel their softness
enfold us.
They shift with the grace
of a swan.
Ripples shimmer above sand.
Art in clear water.
And this is when we watch morning happen…

Loon Lake, Sierra Mountains


My latest collection of poetry. 
If you don’t have your copy yet,
simply click on the image. Thank you!

“As This Moment Journeys Into the Next” published on Gobblers and Chewers!

Dear Family and Friends,

I’m thrilled to share that my poem “As This Moment Journeys Into the Next” is live on Gobblers and Chewers! Thanks so much to Manuela Timofte and her staff for this opportunity. I am very grateful!

As This Moment Journeys Into the Next

I realized this moment would come
I knew the time would arrive,
those hands on the clock
they’re always on the move –
when I had dreamed of so much more
for this special minute,
I have no poem…

To read the rest of the poem, click here, and thank you for your support! Also, please consider subscribing to Gobblers to enjoy poetry from a whole host of talented writers!

© Lauren Scott – – All rights reserved.

Photo by Pok Rie on

We Are Poetry by Kym Gordon Moore

Today, I am excited to tell you about We Are Poetry written by my dear friend, Kym Gordon Moore. Whenever I visit Kym’s blog, From behind the Pen, I’m either informed or inspired. I always leave with an important topic to ponder or a reminder to simply feel grateful. Her book is more than a collection of poems, which of course, would be a gift in its own right. As the title indicates, Kym’s book is filled with layers of insight about this genre as though it exists like you and me. Any school would benefit from including We Are Poetry in its curriculum. In fact, if I had pursued my youthful dream of becoming a teacher ‘when I grew up,’ her beautiful and insightful book would have been a useful tool in my classroom. Through Kym’s observations, she offers a glimpse into the beauty, benefits, and diversity of verse, fluidly dividing the book into her lessons.

In the beginning, I was captivated by her responses to how others feel that poetry is disenchanting and boring. If you share the same opinion, after turning the last page, I would be surprised to learn that you did not change your way of thinking. I felt empowered at the end of each chapter, and definitely after absorbing her powerful poem, “I Am.”
Below are the first few lines that will surely entice you:

They say I am nothing
in my someone-ness
traverse into a flow
of the seen but not heard
nonexistent, divisible where liberty is not just
not considered worthy to speak
or to be respected
just an invisible occupation of space
you think that of me
yet my existence is more
than the archives of silence
I am.

The desire to spread a soft blanket “Under the Poet Tree” swept over me:

Where leaves rustle at the sound of verses and stanzas
wind blowing through branches of poetic expressions
growing from a trunk that holds a history of adventure
a journey rooted deep in the soil of passion and purpose

artistic thoughts born from the birth canal of the poet
whether touched or sniffed, tasted or heard
the sight of what thine eyes can envision
a uniqueness speaking from blood running through the heart

should the soul wander in the essence of written words
as the fruit of poetry replants the seeds that grow
flourishing into an orchard of endless poet trees
hunger satisfied from the picnic basket of a bard

inspiration blossoms like new spring buds
creativity unfurling through the pores of my mind
life takes on new meaning of literary excellence
under the poet tree shrouded by a poet’s design

Kym speaks about the architecture of poetry, its healing voice, how it fights against illiteracy. She invites you into her memories of the simple times where you’ll find yourself tucked into your cozy car, munching on popcorn, enjoying a great film. She pulls you into the delight of paper kites and county fair fun. She has you weeping alongside Mother Earth, and when life doesn’t go as you plan, she implores you to not cry over spilled milk; instead, pour another glass!
There is an emotion for everyone in this lovely book waiting to be drawn out.
Highly recommended for all readers!

I hope you’ll leave my site today with a copy of Kym’s book on order. You will be glad that you did!
Thanks so much for stopping by! ❤️


© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

A collection of poems that speaks of nature’s healing touch,
how love shapes our lives, and the mysteries of life.
Click on the image to purchase your copyThank you! 💚

As This Moment Journeys Into the Next

I realized this moment would come
I knew the time would arrive,
those hands on the clock
they’re always on the move –
when I had dreamed
of so much more

for this special minute,
I have no poem…

even as I reflect while observing
the hanging petunia,
appealing in purple,
swinging gently in the breeze

or as I listen to my lab
snoring softly, lying inches away,

no poem has settled beside me…

even as I watch the geranium reach
in its rich wine-red wardrobe
for the infinite wild blue
and the lemon-yellow daffodil
looking dapper
in its shamrock finery,
no poem has greeted me
with a tender embrace.

I fear that as this moment journeys
into the next, and the sun bids farewell,
allowing the moon to play her part,
and those dedicated hands
continue to circle and mystify,
my pen will lie dry as a desert riverbed,
my paper bare as a wall without photos.

Still, I will remain empty handed
without poetry to enrich my soul,

but tomorrow when the sun ascends
and the sky unfolds to new possibilities,
it will be then when I shall try again.

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

A collection of poems that speaks of nature’s healing touch,
how love shapes our lives, and the mysteries of life.
Click on the image to purchase your copyThank you! 💚

Special Birthday Gifts ♥

Today is my 39th birthday (again).
Well, my true age is yet to be found out.
Anyway, my family wrote poems for me,
filled with love, smiles (and a little embarrassment).
I’d like to share their writing, for a change. ♥

From Dad, at the young age of 93

It was a Saturday morn-
And Lauren was born!
Mom was in good spirits and
Both of us were wondering-
a boy or a girl?
If a girl, would she have curls?
If a boy, would he be a “Milton Berle?”
When Mom delivered, the doctor said,
“You have a beautiful baby girl.”
Mom replied, “Are you sure?”
The doctor said, “See for yourself;
This is not a blur!”
With that, Mom was very sure
and through the years, LOVE ENDURED!

From My Sister, Susie

God blessed me with a much younger sis
at age 11 an unexpected and exciting twist
Growing up wasn’t always bliss
especially when refusing her request to play
her eyes might mist

Despite the gap in our ages, some of our personality traits match
loving homemade cookies and baking a tasty batch

Being avid readers we love to turn the pages
Although we share the gift for words
while I speak to be heard
my sis created a blog and pens poetry from her heart
which inspires and entertains her readers

While I adopted two sons, sis adopted a playful coppery puppy
These cuddly canines (Copper, Inka, and Remy)
love when it’s time for their daily walk

My sons became Star and Life Boy Scouts
Sister’s son is a Life Scout about to follow his dad’s example
by soon achieving Eagle, something to joyfully shout about

Our hair style with bangs is long and straight
and requires an occasional highlight
to cover strands of gray
What a twist of fate

God has graced us with the gift of faith
Loving husbands and two children each

We’re definitely opinionated and don’t hesitate
to express how we feel or what we think
To have a talented sis who is so great
I’m positively tickled pink

From My Daughter

Today is your birthday
another year younger, right? 😉
Time keeps moving forward
but you stay youthful and quite,

 so, that’s not how life unfolds
We get older, we age
Laugh lines increase, weight goes up and down
after the turning of every page

 But at 52, you have timeless beauty
Your sea blue eyes never cease to shine
You smile always in that perfect rectangle
and your laugh is always light and kind

 Well, sometimes it’s loud and weird
and I’m not sure where your goofiness comes from
but I wouldn’t trade those for the world
because that’s you beating to your own drum

 Which is what you (and Dad) have taught us, kids (haha)
You have been a wonderful mom and continue to do so
Your arms are always open and your love continues to grow

into a beautiful flower, you’ve blossomed
Getting married, having kids and settling down
I know being a parent can be tough
but you have held on and not fallen to the ground

 Giving up isn’t your style
although, sometimes you probably want to
Just know that you are an awesome and strong person
who can handle anything you puts her mind to

 Bills, working, difficult boss, chauffeuring us around
You’ve done it all
and continue to conquer it with guts and ba..

 Love is what you give to us every day
even if we can’t see it or even when we fight
Our friendship will always be tight

 Happy Birthday, Ma!
Enjoy your day!
You deserve the best!
So, don’t worry about the pay 😉

From my Son

Today is a day of celebration,
of reminiscing on highs and lows,
as you commemorate fifty two years of your creation.
So many people have helped you grow;
they’ve been there for you as you balanced the equation
of who you are and what to show.

 Life has not always been the best
but no matter what, you always stay strong,
because you know, with love and hope, nothing can infest
what you call your family. We are not wrong,
for we must confess
that your love helps to bind us together; lifelong.

 So be happy and merry,
smile with joy,
knowing that today, those around you will carry
your burdens because today is about you; we will not annoy
you. We will all be your magical “fairy.”
Now go enjoy!

From My Sister, Debbie (Remember When)

It was decades ago when you were a child and I was the big sister,
I loved to take you to lunch to chat and have a burger.
We loved books, music and country charm, and we were taught
The Golden Rule to do no harm.
Now time has sped by through laughter and tears,
and we still help each other overcome our fears.
Though we live miles away, and wish it were minutes,
the bond that we share will never diminish.
So now we’re “mature” and a lot has been said,
but with God ever faithful, we’ll still look ahead.
I’m glad you’re my sister and also my friend,
and we have a connection that never will end.
So have a birthday to remember, good food, wine and cake,
and though we won’t be there, it still will be great!

From My Hubby

Our love has grown stronger through the years,
In between, we’ve shed a few tears.
My love for you is second to none,

and because of this, you are my Hun.
Together we raised two beautiful children

To me, you’re one in a million
Through good times and bad our love has grown,

you have the sweetest heart I’ve ever known.
I’m here with you now and forever,

as our life unfolds, we’ll always walk together.

Thank you, My Family, these are the best gifts.