Laid-back Limericks!

April Showers

Raindrops fall on this Saturday
The sun hides behind clouds so gray
Stay cozy inside
Options are wide
Tomorrow, we’ll go out and play!

April showers arrive today
Inside our cozy home we’ll stay
We’ll read a book
Or even cook
No matter, we’ll not drift astray!

Copper was a bit camera shy!

There once was a dog named Copper
Whose good looks were a showstopper
A hugger and kisser
Love he’ll deliver
But with love comes lots of slobber

A copper-colored coat he dons
Looking handsome as a celebrity icon
A senior now
Gray on his brow
Even with pains, he carries on


© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
Rain photo by JACK REDGATE on

My latest collection of poetry. 
If you don’t have your copy yet,
simply click on the image. Thank you!

I always appreciate your visits and comments!
Enjoy your weekend rain or shine,
and like our Copper Boy, Carry on! ❤️🌞

If we dig deep enough…

As Thanksgiving Day inches closer, what are you grateful for? And don’t you agree that we should show gratitude all year round? And then reality stares us in the face each day on every news channel. My heart aches more and more. War. Homelessness. Hate. Mass shootings. It’s really very hard to keep the spirits from plummeting. So, where is the love, respect, and acceptance? Lives have been upended in the most horrific ways, and I’ve only scratched the surface. Still, if we dig deep, deep enough, we can find something to be grateful for…

It’s hard to believe that my father-in-law passed away three weeks ago. Time is mystifying, isn’t it? We miss him, but in various ways every day, we celebrate his 100 years and we will honor him next month for his Celebration of Life. We know he’s watching over us, feeling our love for him and knowing he’ll be in our hearts forever. ❤️

Now I’ve always looked forward to this time of year when the sun isn’t so aggressive and the temps are cooler. I still enjoy the quiet early mornings when Copper and I go for our walks, although at 13, he’s definitely slower. He’s ‘told’ me that around the block is about all he can do, and that’s completely fine. He gets to sniff and lift his leg, and that makes him a happy lab! We also get to watch the sunrise and listen to the silence. How glorious is that! And when a day or night’s sleep passes without pain, I am grateful. I’m jealous of Copper because he sleeps better than me! I know I sound like I’m 90, but I assure you I’m not. Even still, my body backtalks now and then, but it’s better than the alternative!

I yearn for the long, light evenings that summer brings, but hubby and I break out the candles for nightfall that arrives early. We allow the coziness to embrace us in its warmth. It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway…having a roof over our head is not to be taken lightly.

During this season, I am intoxicated by the aromas of pumpkin bread, pumpkin pies, pumpkin cookies, and I indulge in an occasional pumpkin latte. Hello, Pumpkin! And who doesn’t love the wardrobe changing of the leaves on the trees? Those rich, warm reds, golds, and yellows. And then let’s talk books! I’m thankful for my bookcase that is bursting at the seams! So many books! I don’t know what I’d do if paperbacks and hardcovers became obsolete. I love to hold a book in my hands, to feel the pages as I turn them and the smooth, beautiful, enticing covers.

This year, our son who lived in Virginia, embarked on a cross country road trip working remotely while visiting as many national parks as possible. His adventure began on May 1st in Maine as he worked his way west to California staying in Airbnb’s, and he is now home with us for the holidays. We are grateful that he stayed safe during his travels of almost 18,000 miles and that we get to spend the holidays with him. To be with our son and daughter over the holidays is a gift in itself. Can’t wait to see our daughter and son-in-law! ❤️

My Gratitude list goes on and on – there is no conclusion. Isn’t that something to be thankful for?! Lastly, thank you for your continued support and friendship in this world of blogging. And a Big Thank You to those of you who have bought my book, Ever So Gently, and to those who have written fabulous reviews.

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Born from history
is this day we celebrate
the blessings in our lives,
for each breath we take.
I ask not for anything
but one gift I will bring
to the feast laid before me
among the golden leaves,
and so I gladly share
at this table I take part,
my very grateful heart

My family wishes you a very warm and loving Thanksgiving!

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

Click on the image to purchase your copy. 💚


Dog Love Abounds!

Resa at Graffiti Lux Art & More recently featured my 13-year-old chocolate lab mix, Copper, so I’m reblogging because if you’re a dog lover, you won’t want to miss her post! But not only is Copper Boy featured, so are John’s adorable Twiggy and Marina’s beautiful Hera!
But first, below is a little bit about Resa if you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her:

I am thrilled that Resa loved my poem “Copper Boyenough to include it. So, here’s what she has to say about Copper in which she gently inserts a plug for Ever So Gently:

And now to see those gorgeous dogs at Resa’s, click on the link below ⬇️.

Thanks again, Resa, for including Copper! He sends you lots of slobbery kisses! Good thing you keep those sponges handy ‘cuz he loves to give kisses, but in his senior years, he’s also a bit drooly! 😂🐶

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
Featured photo of Copper is 6 years old, but it’s one of my faves. 🧡

Click on the image to
purchase your copy.

I am touched by those who enjoyed my book
and who have written beautiful reviews. 🩵
And a friendly nudge… if you enjoyed my book,
please consider sharing a review on Amazon

and Goodreads. The best gift for authors! 🙏🏻

Thanks to you beautiful friends for visiting today,
and I wish you a fabulous weekend!

Rusty’s Heart – A children’s story

Dear Family and Friends, this story is a bit long, so if you don’t have time to read it, I understand. But if you do, I hope you can appreciate Rusty’s dilemma and recognize the message conveyed. I won’t give away the ending. 🙂 Also, I’ve included an audio version for those of you who would rather listen.

Rusty can’t help but whine and dance around in circles! He knows what’s coming when Mom puts her ball cap on. Today is a crisp, March spring morning when she attaches the blue plaid leash to his matching blue collar. The sky is bright and clear, perfect for a walk around the neighborhood. When he sings (he likes to call it that) and dances, he can tell by the tone of her voice that sometimes she is happy. But there are times when she sounds kind of mad. Maybe he should try calming down. But seriously, what chocolate lab doesn’t get excited for a walk?

She opens the blue front door, and Rusty follows her outside. He lifts his leg on every bush he spots, his nose clueing him into enticing smells. Mom walks at just the right pace while he trots beside her. Occasionally, she jogs, and he picks up the pace, jogging, too. He thinks this is so much fun. The flapping of his long soft ears makes him happy.

Rusty is minding his own business when Sam, the gray squirrel, runs in the street right in front of him! Whenever he sees Sam, he barks up a storm that echoes and bounces from house to house! Sam skitters across the street then skitters back to where he came from, all the while snickering to irritate Rusty. And boy is Rusty irritated!

“Woof! Woof! Woof!” Rusty voices his annoyance and pulls on his leash. All he wants is a chance to catch Sam! And then he thinks…

What would I do if I caught Sam? I mean, I don’t want to hurt him. Yes, he annoys me, but I just want to play!

But once again, Sam gets away! He scurries up the nearest maple tree with the speed and confidence of a black bear, snickering all the way to the top! Sam is an expert at snickering!

How dare him!

“Oh, Rusty, you’ll never catch a squirrel, but it’s always good to try,” Mom says while she pats Rusty on his soft head.

Rusty forgets about Sam as he and his mom turn the corner, and that’s when he sees Tuck, the yellow Labrador, standing in his front yard. What puzzles Rusty is that every time he tries to say hello, Tuck turns the other way. He doesn’t like Rusty and Rusty doesn’t know why. Then he remembers Mom telling him that it’s always good to try. So, he tries again to say hello.

Tuck stands tall at the edge of his yard, close enough to offer a friendly sniff to Rusty. But when Rusty walks up to him, Tuck turns his big head and body around, heading for his mom who stands by the front door. Rusty’s ears fall back tightly against his head and his heart aches. This isn’t the first time he’s been taunted by Sam and ignored by Tuck. With his heavy and hopeless heart, he and his mom leave Tuck’s house and continue walking up the street that begins to incline. Lucy, the beautiful snow-white husky, lives at the top of the hill. Rusty’s had a crush on her for what seems like forever, but she doesn’t pay any attention to him either.

Lucy stands by the white fence that borders her yard, and sure enough, when she spots Rusty trotting up the hill, she runs to the porch and lies down on her bed so he can’t get close to her. She even holds an intimidating stare. Rusty notices this which causes his heart to ache more and his ears to fall back for a second time. He doesn’t know if his heart will ever warm up again. At this very moment, it feels as cold as his big brown nose. He and his mom walk past her house, making a U-turn to head back down the hill to their home.

I love my humans, Mom, Dad, and my sister and brother. But it’s lonely not having friends, and I wish I knew why they didn’t like me. If I had to, I would change my ways. I’m friendly. I don’t bark a lot, except at squirrels, sorry Sam! I don’t sniff where I’m not welcomed. Is it because my coat is the color of copper, and not a true chocolate, blonde, yellow, or shiny black? But why would others not want to be my friend just because of the color of my coat?

While Rusty ponders the cause of his friendlessness, unbeknownst to him, Sam and Tuck meet up with Lucy just outside her white fence.

“I don’t know about you boys, but I’m tired of being mean to Rusty. And just for the record, I find him kind of cute,” Lucy admitted.

“Oh, Lucy, don’t go letting your heart soften up now. Rusty’s different! We all know that, and different doesn’t bode well with our tight group!” Sam chimes in with conviction of an elephant.

“You know, Sam, I think Lucy makes a good point. Just because Rusty looks different doesn’t mean we can’t include him. I guess my eight-year-old heart is beginning to soften, too,” Tuck says as he observes Sam’s fluffy tail standing upright like a surfboard in the sand, his little whiskers moving at lightning speed.

It seems odd that a squirrel weighing no more than a pound can gain control over two dogs the size of Shetland ponies. But Sam’s personality is bigger than him and as powerful as a lion’s.  Lucy and Tuck automatically followed Sam in every adventure they went on, but not anymore. Their hearts and souls are beginning to see the kinder sides. It’s been one whole month and Lucy can’t bear the pure sadness in Rusty’s soulful, amber eyes. And the more Tuck thinks on this issue, the more he considers Rusty the brother he never had. It would be fun to have another buddy to hang around with now and then.

“Sam, what if you or Lucy or I looked different that didn’t align with what Rusty thought was normal? How would you feel if he ignored you when he saw you on the street? Or even worse, what if he growled at you, scaring you out of your wits?”

“Hey, you’re sounding a bit philosophical, old man!” Sam replies.

“Who are you calling old man, Sam? I’m only 8!” Tuck retorts.

Lucy can’t stand this banter any longer, and contrary to what some believe, girls know best!

“Okay, boys, enough is enough! This neighborhood holds plenty of room for all of us, and that includes Rusty! I, for one, would feel devastated to be ignored like he has been because of our unkind behavior. I feel so ashamed, so my only hope is that he can forgive!” Lucy feels the lifting of a huge burden from her heart. Her body even feels lighter as though she can frolic on clouds, and her spirit as bright as the shining sun.

Lucy pokes the latch on the gate with her cold nose, then once it becomes unlatched, with a paw she pushes it open. She walks through and onto the street when Sam scurries up beside her, giving her a surrendering smile. After thinking this situation over and pondering Tuck and Lucy’s words, he agrees with their wisdom. Tuck sidles up beside Lucy on the opposite side, and together, the trio heads downhill to Rusty’s house.

The single-story ranch style home looks quiet from the street. But the trio hopes to find Rusty in the backyard, lying in the sun like he loves to do. Then it will be easy for them to get his attention.

After Rusty and his mom return home from their walk, he is ready for a nap. Exhaustion has taken over his body, not only from the walk and jog, but from the sadness weighing heavy on his heart. In the backyard, a patch of grass in the sunshine beckons him, so he lies down on his side, legs stretched out, and begins to soak up the sun’s warmth. It takes a lot of effort for him to ignore the gloomy thoughts, so he tries to dream of chasing squirrels. But then he hears a loud commotion in the front of the house!

Lucy, Sam, and Tuck yell in one giant burst of sound to rouse Rusty!

“Rusty! You annoying lab!”

“Hi, Rusty, come on out!”

“Hey, Buddy, we need to talk to you!”

Rusty slowly stands; his twelve-year-old legs don’t hurry anymore. Then to his surprise, he sees Lucy, Tuck, and Sam, yes even Sam, jumping up and down at the see-through gate. They speak simultaneously, hard to understand every word. But the word that stands out is FRIEND. And judging by their smiling jowls, and Sam’s happy, fluffy tail swinging from side to side, Rusty understands completely!

His mom hears the joyful barking, too, so she steps outside, and when she notices the trio giving kisses to Rusty through the gate, the sight warms her heart. Her senior pup has been sad for too long now. She opens the gate and joy flows through the air as the foursome hug and kiss in their own canine and squirrelly ways.

“We’re so sorry we were mean to you, Rusty. We never should’ve judged you because of your coat color. I actually think you’re quite handsome. So will you forgive us?” Lucy steps back a few inches, certain that she is blushing after baring her soul.

“Oh, will I ever!” Rusty cheerfully answers. “And Lucy, I actually think you’re beautiful!”

And so, the three canines and the one fuzzy gray squirrel trot and scamper down the street on this spring day – the best ever for Rusty! His heart feels happy again, and he realizes that Sam, Lucy, and Tuck accept him for who he is – they don’t expect him to change. This is the day he not only gains friends, but the day he becomes one.

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend. ❤️

The Best Friend

“What a day I had at school, Bella,” Nick said to his loyal black lab cuddling against his leg. “I finally got the courage to ask Rachel to prom and she said no! I thought she liked me!”

Bella just stared at her human brother, ready to give him a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. She couldn’t help but wag her tail, hoping to get Nick in a tail-wagging mood.

“I can always count on you to cheer me up, Girl. No matter what, you won’t betray me. I guess that’s why they call you ‘Man’s best friend.’

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.
Photo: Credit to my daughter of our Lucky Girl who left this earthly world in 2011.

She was 11 years old. 🩷

P.S. I’m not sure if this little piece of writing qualifies as a story, but it is 99 words, and you get the message I want to convey. If you’re an animal lover, I hope this story warms your heart.

Happy Friday and weekend ahead, and for those in the U.S.,
have a safe and fun Fourth of July!
Hugs, Lauren