Deeper Wells and Soft Voices

Recently, I listened to the new album by Kacey Musgraves. For those of you who aren’t familiar with her, she’s a country singer with a clear voice that soothes as smooth as honey. Her voice has been described by loyal fans as a mother singing sweetly to her baby. I liked the album, but a few songs stood out and one is “Deeper Well.” It touches on letting go of people and habits that hinder us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. I hope you enjoy the song.

Deeper Well
by Kacey Musgraves

My Saturn has returned
When I turned twenty-seven
Everything started to change

Took a long time, but I learned
There’s two kinds of people, one is a giver
And one’s always tryin’ to take
All they can take

So I’m sayin’ goodbye to the people
That I feel are real good at wastin’ my time
No regrets, baby, I just think that maybe
You go your way and I’ll go mine
It’s been a real good time
But you got dark energy, somethin’ I can’t unsee
And I’ve got to take care of myself
I found a deeper well

I used to wake and bake
Roll out of bed, hit the gravity bong that I made
And start the day
For a while, it got me by
Everything I did seemed better when I was high
I don’t know why

So I’m gettin’ rid of the habits that I feel
Are real good at wastin’ my time
No regrets, baby, I just think that maybe
It’s natural when things lose their shine
So other things can glow
I’ve gotten older now, I know
How to take care of myself
I found a deeper well

When I was growing up
We had what we needed, shoes on our feet
But the world was as flat as a plate
And that’s okay

The things I was taught only took me so far
Had to figure the rest out myself
And then I found
I found a deeper well

After listening to the lyrics, I was reminded of my father-in-law who saw the good in everyone. I try to do the same, but some people make it more challenging. And age is irrelevant because people who dim the lights in our worlds cross our paths in different phases of our lives. Discerning the truth may happen sooner, or it might take a little longer. But it’s a healthy realization because life is too short. We never know what tomorrow will bring. So, why waste it dealing with people who push us down?

So I’m sayin’ goodbye to the people that I feel are real good at wastin’ my time.

The same thing applies to habits, but breaking habits is easier said than done. And yet, why waste the days doing things that aren’t beneficial to our well-being?

So I’m gettin’ rid of the habits that I feel are real good at wastin’ my time.

I don’t pay close attention to celebrities personal lives, but I heard through the grapevine that Kacey has lived through some emotionally tough times. So, the lyrics are about starting new, starting fresh, and shedding anyone who doesn’t help move her forward in a positive manner. They’re about shedding habits that prevent her from living a healthy life so she can stay focused. The notion of self-care is nothing new, but it’s certainly ongoing. It’s infinite as the years fly by, whether we’re single, married, in a relationship, young, middle-aged, or older. Confidence should be worn on our sleeves instead of erratic emotions to keep our personal spaces sacred and to live each day in ways that will initiate a ‘Thank you’ from our minds and bodies. I couldn’t help but write more limericks…

To Better Our Lives

Some people appear to be the very best
But with each day, we are put to the test
Words become nothing
Actions become something
Triggering our minds and hearts to stress

Decisions are reached to better our lives
Time to exterminate negative vibes
Personas fake as fur
Relations to deter
Circumstances guiding towards kinder tribes

Living under a Clear Sky

Habits entice to some like bourbon on ice
They have one goal in mind and it isn’t nice
constant brain fog
living in smog
Are you willing to pay the steep price?

Break the stubborn habit and break it good
So you can make the most of your adulthood
Stay focused with verve
To you, you will serve
Deep down inside, you knew you could!

Do you remember the coloring that I attempted month’s ago? It’s from a book titled, “Let that Sh*t Go!” which ties into this post. This fun little book by Monica Sweeney packs in an abundance of wisdom (some four-letter words included), along with adult coloring, as you can see. Well, I finally finished and here is the result:

It’s not a work of perfection, but it’s definitely cheerful,
and the process was fun!

What did you think about the song? Did this post resonate?
Did a limerick stand out for you?
Cheers to Letting Go, Self-Care, and Creativity,
and more awareness to people who try to steal the light
from our worlds.

Thanks for popping in! I appreciate you!

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

My latest collection of poetry. 
If you don’t have your copy yet,
simply click on the image. Thank you!

Feel like Dancing!

Dear Friends,

Since it’s Friday, I thought this song would be good to share. It’s one of my all-time favorites. And I wish I felt like dancing, but the truth is…my body and head haven’t been feeling the best lately. My energy has been low and my brain has been foggy. Anything that requires full concentration hasn’t been at the top of my list like working on my children’s book with my nephew, reading, writing book reviews that are long overdue, writing anything, and reading blogs. So, I am very sorry for missing your wonderful blog posts, but I just haven’t been myself. It’s all I can do to write this to update you. And it’s not for sympathy. I just want you to know why I haven’t been around that much. I hope that my energy will return a little more over the weekend because there is so much I want to do! Sigh. Anyway, I leave you with this song, so Dance and enjoy today and your weekend to come. I’m turning off comments, but just know I appreciate you! ❤️


© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

A collection of poems about nature, love, and the mysteries of life.
Click on the image to purchase your copyThank you! 💚

Baby steps are good!

This past Christmas, Santa brought me an inspirational journal with some coloring options. I haven’t owned a coloring book in decades, probably since my youth. Maybe I joined in the fun with my kids when they were young. I honestly don’t remember. Anyway, I thought I would give it a try because it sounded relaxing. Well, after the strawberries came to life, my neck began to bark at me. Who knew that coloring could be tough on the body! I sat at the table with my head down, all concentration geared towards keeping the red within the lines. I suppose with any activity, some part of our body will begin to bark sooner or later. So, baby steps, right?

For any goal we set, we begin by taking baby steps. No one starts out at the top. Everyone finds their starting point at the bottom then the climb begins until the destination is reached. This doesn’t mean we won’t stumble, but we will press on. So, I’ll return to this beautiful image, and soon the blooms and leaves will come alive in their wardrobes of oranges, yellows, purples, pinks, and greens. One small step at a time.

Have a wonderful day and thanks for dropping in to my little corner of blogland! ❤️

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

A collection of poems about nature,
love, and the mysteries of life.

Click on the image to purchase your copy.
Thank you! 💚

If we dig deep enough…

As Thanksgiving Day inches closer, what are you grateful for? And don’t you agree that we should show gratitude all year round? And then reality stares us in the face each day on every news channel. My heart aches more and more. War. Homelessness. Hate. Mass shootings. It’s really very hard to keep the spirits from plummeting. So, where is the love, respect, and acceptance? Lives have been upended in the most horrific ways, and I’ve only scratched the surface. Still, if we dig deep, deep enough, we can find something to be grateful for…

It’s hard to believe that my father-in-law passed away three weeks ago. Time is mystifying, isn’t it? We miss him, but in various ways every day, we celebrate his 100 years and we will honor him next month for his Celebration of Life. We know he’s watching over us, feeling our love for him and knowing he’ll be in our hearts forever. ❤️

Now I’ve always looked forward to this time of year when the sun isn’t so aggressive and the temps are cooler. I still enjoy the quiet early mornings when Copper and I go for our walks, although at 13, he’s definitely slower. He’s ‘told’ me that around the block is about all he can do, and that’s completely fine. He gets to sniff and lift his leg, and that makes him a happy lab! We also get to watch the sunrise and listen to the silence. How glorious is that! And when a day or night’s sleep passes without pain, I am grateful. I’m jealous of Copper because he sleeps better than me! I know I sound like I’m 90, but I assure you I’m not. Even still, my body backtalks now and then, but it’s better than the alternative!

I yearn for the long, light evenings that summer brings, but hubby and I break out the candles for nightfall that arrives early. We allow the coziness to embrace us in its warmth. It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway…having a roof over our head is not to be taken lightly.

During this season, I am intoxicated by the aromas of pumpkin bread, pumpkin pies, pumpkin cookies, and I indulge in an occasional pumpkin latte. Hello, Pumpkin! And who doesn’t love the wardrobe changing of the leaves on the trees? Those rich, warm reds, golds, and yellows. And then let’s talk books! I’m thankful for my bookcase that is bursting at the seams! So many books! I don’t know what I’d do if paperbacks and hardcovers became obsolete. I love to hold a book in my hands, to feel the pages as I turn them and the smooth, beautiful, enticing covers.

This year, our son who lived in Virginia, embarked on a cross country road trip working remotely while visiting as many national parks as possible. His adventure began on May 1st in Maine as he worked his way west to California staying in Airbnb’s, and he is now home with us for the holidays. We are grateful that he stayed safe during his travels of almost 18,000 miles and that we get to spend the holidays with him. To be with our son and daughter over the holidays is a gift in itself. Can’t wait to see our daughter and son-in-law! ❤️

My Gratitude list goes on and on – there is no conclusion. Isn’t that something to be thankful for?! Lastly, thank you for your continued support and friendship in this world of blogging. And a Big Thank You to those of you who have bought my book, Ever So Gently, and to those who have written fabulous reviews.

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Born from history
is this day we celebrate
the blessings in our lives,
for each breath we take.
I ask not for anything
but one gift I will bring
to the feast laid before me
among the golden leaves,
and so I gladly share
at this table I take part,
my very grateful heart

My family wishes you a very warm and loving Thanksgiving!

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

Click on the image to purchase your copy. 💚


Finding peace…

Dear Friends,

I hope you’re doing well. Our family has been spending as much time as possible with my father-in-law who is nearing the end of his life. He is on hospice, living in a lovely facility with the best care. It has been difficult to witness his body failing, but the silver lining is that spending more time with him has been a gift – these moments have given us room to prepare for the inevitable. When he is lucid on occasion, the gift is even greater.

Writing poetry during my break has been soothing. This surreal experience has been emotional for all of us, but if it inspires me to write, my husband feels it’s a beautiful thing. I was motivated to try a Haibun for the first time after reading D.L. Finn’s gorgeous poetry book, Deep in the Forest Where Poetry Blooms. I loved her collection and will share a review and a couple others in the next few weeks.

This piece may not qualify as a Haibun, but it’s a beginning…

The Last Days

The outdoor temperature feels like a summer day in August though ghosts and goblins lurk around the bend. The orange ball shines brilliantly lighting up the clear blue sky. But inside his room, death awaits in the corners – a dreary atmosphere until we turn on lights to uplift our spirits. Classical music drifts out the windows, swirling around the trees and gardens still bursting with reds and oranges. Photos of family and friends, and ball caps from favorite sports teams embellish the bare white walls.

He lies in bed each day, body frail. A vision we hope will fade over time. A vision contrasting to the man who hiked mountains. The small clock ticking on the bedside table and the calendar hanging on the wall irrelevant. His words, an untranslatable language. His appetite, diminished, but it’s time for breakfast, so we pull the lids from each tub. He slightly opens his mouth like a mama bird feeds her chick, and we gently hold the spoon so he can take in tiny bites of pureed eggs and oatmeal. The tubs still look full, but so is his stomach. Sleep calls him. His chest slowly moves up and down with soft breaths. We stretch out this moment, then we lay a kiss on his forehead, tell him that we love him and that we’ll see him later. We steal one more glance at Dad, then we slowly walk out the door with tears struggling for freedom.

a routine until
he slowly draws his last breath
preparing our hearts

**A Haibun is a combination of prose and haiku, and usually includes autobiography, diary, essay, prose poem, short story, or travel journal.

© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

To buy your copy, please click on the
image. Thank you!

Thank you to those who have purchased your copy of Ever So Gently,
and who have shared beautiful reviews. 🩵

Thanks so much for visiting, and I look forward to reading your posts again. ❤️