Introducing the lovely Selma Martin with her new book, In the Shadow of Rainbows!

Dear Friends,

I would like to introduce you to my wonderful friend, Selma Martin, and spotlight her debut poetry book that was released in July, In the Shadow of Rainbows. If you haven’t met Selma, I suggest you visit her ‘corner on the web’ where she shares her brilliant poetry in all forms. You will be glad you did! So sit back, relax, get comfy, and enjoy the Q & A:

2. Tell me why you wrote In The Shadow of Rainbows:

I enjoy writing. And I attribute this to my late mother who encouraged me to write thank-you notes to friends and acquaintances for everything. We were not affluent, so these appreciation notes did plenty for us. As a young girl, my late mother got me my first pen pal from abroad, and I learned the real joy of sending, receiving, and waiting on precious letters to arrive. My mother was the only one who kept loyal to my hand-written letters when I left home. And whenever she found requests for submissions in old magazines (usually outdated), she always sent them my way. But I was never brave or confident or felt worthy enough to do any of that.  After Mom died in 2014 and thereafter felt at a loss when no letters arrived for me, I felt prompted to seek a way to fill that void. I enrolled in an online writing community in 2017, started blogging and pen-paling (through my newsletters), and interacting with like-minded writers until eventually I arrived here, and writing a poetry book felt like the right thing to do. Because my mother found me worthy, and others have shown that they like my words, I dedicated my first book to the people investing their trust in me and holding my book. And to me, that translates to my dear mother looking down at me from heaven approvingly. 

In ‘In The Shadow of Rainbows’ I include a page about what I want my poems to do: I want to contribute a verse; want to write poems of awareness; want my poetry to be a springboard to the sacred; want to delight you; and attempt to offer a form to heal.  ‘Are you my mother?’  Each poem will ask. The poems are not autobiographical, and in the 60+ in this book, there’s only one poem ‘about’ MY mother. All the others are about someone else, and now that you know more about my intent in this collection, I invite readers to come find their poems. 

3. Share one poem from the book and tell me what inspired it:

Slice of Life

Flanked between two wanings, I live you,
planting the light hours with loving acts,
for you, for us, for our ménage,
and when I meet the dusk, filled,
ready for our mingling at the table,
where we swap slices of lived moments
of the same day, hearts swell replete.

I chose one of the shortest poems in the collection to share with you. It’s strategically placed as the penultimate poem in the book, and I’m happy to elucidate on this poetry form that touched me. 
In its true form, it’s a Kwansaba poem, an African American verse form of praise: a praise poem that celebrates family. The Kwansaba (Swahili kwan -first fruit/saba -principle) was created in 1995 by Eugene B Redmond, East St. Louis Poet Laureate and professor of English at Southern Illinois University-East St. Louis. The form was developed in honor of the celebration of Kwanzaa. The poetic form adopts the number 7 from Kwanzaa’s Nguzo Saba (7 principles) as well as embraces its roots in the South African tradition of the Praise Poem. 

The 7 principles of Kwanzaa are unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith. Each day of the celebration focuses on one of the principles. Isn’t this just such a beautiful principle? I think it is, as all the principles take off at unity which starts at the family level. (ready for our mingling at the table).

I wrote it originally for a dVerse prompt in December 2021–then, I abbreviated some words to meet the exact count of sevens but changed it a bit for clarity to include in the book. It’s about family, and I hope you like it. 

To preview Selma’s book and to purchase your very own copy, click below:

4. If you were to leave a ‘message in a bottle’ for the future, what would you say?

Just for you:
Stop waiting for Friday. For summer.
For someone to fall in love with you.
For luck. For permission.

Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it.

Stop looking for yourself in others.
In things.
In outside validation.
In trends. In drugs.

Everything you are is already within you. Trust!

Make the best of the moment you are in now, for this moment is the only one that matters.
Please make it so that WHEREVER you go, you ARE there. Fully present.

Believe that you are no mistake. Believe that you are the Miracle you’ve been waiting for.

Manifest goodness and let goodness be your guide.

Find your anchor and pivot. Trust the ambiguity of tomorrow and know that if you are everything you can be in every moment, the ambiguity of the future will not be as scary as it sounds.
Now go on and live your best life. Today.

© selmamartin

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© Lauren Scott, – All rights reserved.

74 thoughts on “Introducing the lovely Selma Martin with her new book, In the Shadow of Rainbows!

  1. Lauren, I see what you did. You timed it for me. You are the best indeed. Thanks so much for lending me this much space in your busy website. It’s because of the generosity of people like you that I’m seeing what earth looks like from Cloud 9. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I bless you.

    1. You are so welcome, Selma! I’m happy to support you and your beautiful book that I enjoyed so much and will read again and again. It was fun to learn that you and I have singing in common, though my spotlight was in my youth. But still…🎶🤗
      Congrats on the continued success of your beautiful debut book, well deserved! ❤️🎉

  2. Pingback: Lauren Scott: Introducing the lovely Selma Martin with her new book, In the Shadow of Rainbows! – Selma

  3. Lauren, a great set of questions for Selma and I enjoyed learning about her a bit more! Yikes! I’m trying to learn Portuguese and it’s not easy – I wouldn’t want to try and sing in the language! I loved her message in a bottle and great advice for us all – all often forgotten! Wishing you both a lovely start to the week!

    Lauren, glad you’re better after your bout of Covid! hugs xx ❤️

    1. Hi Annika, thanks so much for reading and I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. I also loved learning more about Selma, and found out that we both used to sing in the spotlight. Fun facts! But I can’t imagine singing in Portuguese either. Great that you’re learning the language though! I loved her message too, so vital to share for all of us. Thanks for your wishes and kind words about feeling better. That wasn’t fun, to say the least. 🙂 Hugs to you, and Happy Autumn! 🧡🍁🍂

      1. I think you’re both very brave singing in the spotlight!! 😀 Happy Autumn back to you, Lauren – it’s been lovely and summery so I keep forgetting the season has changed! Take care, hugs xx ❤️

    2. Hey, Annika, I’m feeling the love. You’re special to me. I’m so happy you enjoyed the interview and the message in a bottle. Happy Autumn: so happy to be in the coolness of the new season. May more Blessings blow in for you and your loved ones. Xoxo 🍂

    1. Thank you for your beautiful comment, Balroop, and it’s good to know you’ll read Selma’s book in the future. I know you’ll love it. I’m working on your review now (Loved your book!) and will do a blog post next month some time. I’m so behind from being sick. Anyway, just letting you know. 🧡🍁

  4. D.L. Finn, Author

    What a wonderful interview! I love how you came into singing and ended up enjoying it so much, Selma. The message in the bottle is perfect. I really enjoyed your collection . Xo

    1. 🙃 so happy to hear about you enjoying the image of me in a band. It was fun. I will always look back at that time and smile. Thanks for reading and commenting, Liz. This support I’m receiving from this “band” is also something I won’t soon forget. Bless you.

  5. Fab interview and post. Congrats to both of you!
    I was especially enamoured by ” 4. If you were to leave a ‘message in a bottle’ for the future, what would you say?”
    I’d like to add – Stop wishing for the day to end, for Christmas, for the show to be over, for someone to leave, for exams to be over, , and many more things that aren’t really “wishes”, but just wishing your life away.
    If hat makes any sense?
    Thanks again, Selma and Lauren! xo🌺🧡

  6. Pingback: Book review of In the Shadow of Rainbows by Selma Martin! – Baydreamer ~ Lauren Scott

  7. Pingback: Encouragement: Sunday Press– Interview of September 29th on Bold Journey – Selma

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