
You are little now,
unable to understand
my deepest feelings

Emotions overwhelm me
when I hold you,
when I see your tiny lips
form your biggest smile,
when I hear you laugh
it’s a joyous melody,
when I hear you cry
it’s a heartbreak to bear

I want to protect you
but I’m not in control
Life will bring adventures
meant only for you –
I’ll have to let go

I’ll marvel, though, in each
new change as you grow

I may be your mommy now
but I’ll always be your
Loving you more each day
as time takes you away
so you can fly
and realize your
own life

Lauren Scott © 

(It seems like a hundred years ago 
when I wrote this, when I first
became a mom. It was the most
wonderful feeling. I felt like I was
walking on clouds. I still feel this
way even now that my kids are
in their twenties. They have been
the biggest miracle in my life, along
with my husband, and I’m beyond
grateful. I hope you enjoy these words
back when.) 💕


60 thoughts on “Motherhood

    1. Thanks, Betty, and I’d love to see your old “mommy” poems, too. This is nothing deep, but from the heart. 🙂 Have a good weekend, my friend. Hugs ❤

  1. Motherhood is an emotional journey Lauren…our children may grow into fine individuals but the pride and the warmth in our heart never wanes…memories of those growing years remain as fresh as dew…we just have to look within to savor those moments once again! Lovely poem! Thanks for sharing it. 🙂

    1. I completely agree with everything you said, Balroop, and you’re right, the pride and warmth in our hearts never wanes. I appreciate your thoughts, and I’m glad you enjoyed this poem from years gone by. 🙂 Have a great weekend! 💕

    1. Thanks so much, Binky! It was fun looking back into those earlier days of not only parenthood, but of writing, too. Although, some old writing is worth a toss rather than another read. 🙂

    2. Viola Bleu

      I agree … wonderfully written. I was looking at photos today of my kids when they were tiny and it brought memories back, as did this poem. 🤗🌸

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah. It’s always fun reminiscing, which I did again yesterday while taking down our Christmas tree. We have many ornaments that the kids made, and they took me back to those precious times when they were little. Anyway, the joy continues, and so does the worry. 🙂 Have a good day! Love and hugs 💗

  2. wow – this is deeply beautiful – you reminded me my song – here is some of my lyrics:

    The most expensive
    For me, my mother only,
    Christmas at my mom is priceless.

    And no matter how many years pass,
    For me, this world
    Is not just a woman,
    We become like your looks.

    I will love you forever.
    My life,
    I remember your words correctly;
    Your sleepless nights

    Below is the clip:::

    1. Thanks, Mihran, and your lyrics are just as beautiful. I miss my mom, too. She passed away almost six years ago, and now my dad is with her (he passed last August). We stay blessed by holding dear to the precious memories. Have a blessed day, Lauren

  3. Beautiful sentiments Lauren, reminds me of the emotions I penned a number of years back, when my baby girl was born, she’s now 26 but those first moments are forever etched in your heart. Beautiful words Lauren

    1. Thanks, Ian, and sorry for my late reply. I’m glad this resonated with you, and my daughter is also 26. 🙂 My son is 22. Time moves on, but those memories stay in our hearts, as you said. Thanks again, my friend, and have a good rest of your week, too.

    1. Yes, always, and I’m grateful to this day that I still have strong bonds with both of them in their twenties…thanks so much, Ian. Your feedback is always appreciated.

  4. Oh Lauren, what a beautiful poem. You took me back to when my sons were little. There is so much truth in these words. My oldest is soon to be 46 and my youngest is 34. The hardest part is letting go. Love and hugs, dear friend. ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Thanks, Michelle. It’s fun reminiscing. It also brings tears sometimes, wishing we could get some of those moments back. And oh, how I agree with you about letting go. My daughter is 26 and my son is 22. They’re both doing great, but currently, he’s in DC doing his internship and will graduate this year. The worrying never stops either. “Be safe” seems to be our motto these days. But it’s all worth it, isn’t it? Many hugs and much love to you, my friend. xoxox

  5. applebitsblog

    Lovely! I’m reading through your words and the emotions there feel like it was only yesterday. Indeed being a mom never stops no matter how old your babies are. Thanks for sharing! 💖

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, even though they’re in their twenties now, it still feels like yesterday when I wrote this. Time is surreal. And you’re right, being a mom and all that goes with it never ends regardless of the children’s age. Thanks again for your lovely comment.

  6. The memories of their infancy, youth and teenage years are so wonderful to embrace with such fondness. My two sons are now 33 and 37 years young. Oh, how the years pass us by so unbelievably fast and that hurts at times as a reminder of our advancing years. For me, it also triggers feelings of regret, at times, for things that did not happen between us for various reasons.

    I loved those early years of laughter, sharing, nurturing. It meant eager anticipation of more of the same yet to come, more to cherish and remember always.

    1. I agree about the memories of our children when they were little, Don. And I totally understand how you feel about time flying. Your sons a little older than my son (22) and daughter (26), but the concept of time is the same, of course. What you wrote about them getting older sometimes hurts, too, because that means we’re doing the same. 🙂 We just need to revisit those precious memories every so often, while enjoying our adult children, too. Thanks for taking the time to comment, and have a good evening.

  7. misssfaith

    As a first time mom – so so so true – as if you speak my mind.
    My son is almost two now and still I’m standing there watching him sleep and wonder how life was without this wonderful still tiny human bunch of the purest love.

  8. You describe it very well. I would love to see if you were to write it again from your wiser self how much would you add, or change? I feel like being a mother is just like growing up. Every year you learn more and become wiser. Of course the one thing that never changes and thats the love you feel for them. You never forget that first moment they were put in your arms and you fell in love for the very first time.

    1. Thank you very much! That’s a good challenge; maybe I’ll attempt to do a re-write for current times. One thing I’ll say from experience, though, is being wiser doesn’t stop the worrying and the worrying of parents doesn’t end once a child becomes a certain age. It’s never-ending because the love only grows stronger, and I’m so grateful for the relationships I have with both my son and daughter now in their young adult years. And you’re right, that first moment was a “high” for me that I’ve never experienced before, amazingly wonderful and unforgettable. 🙂

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