If You Believe

Don’t you wish that you could fly
above the clouds in the clear blue sky,
soaring with the angels near,
erasing all your worries and fear?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to swim
in the turquoise ocean just on a whim,
gliding with a friendly dolphin,
serenaded by an elegant violin?

Imagine skipping through a lush meadow
with the company of a vibrant butterfly show
or tip toeing amongst the glowing stars
to the music of strumming guitars

Close your eyes, twinkle your nose
Cross your arms, curl your toes
Blink three times, twirl around
Concentrate; okay, here goes…

© LScott 2012

Photo: Google Images

78 thoughts on “If You Believe

      1. I am xx In all that is Good in the world 🙂
        u knew that already though xo !!!!!!!!
        i have a tattoo with a monarch butterfly that says BELIEVE xo people always ask me – YOU BELIEVE IN BUTTERFLIES ? DUH
        no …….:) lol xo
        Goodnight love xo

      2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xo zzzz 🙂 yep …….and it’s like an ab workout !!!!! who needs a gym – when u laugh a LOT 🙂 i mean a LOT 🙂 lol xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxox so YES i “Believe ” i need some sleep now – or i will go cuckooooooo 🙂 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

      3. You are so right and I don’t how you can sleep if you’re laughing! I’ve never tried that, but maybe I will! lol

        Good night, sleep well and wake up with that smile and laughter for a beautiful Monday, Cat! xoxo

      4. Good morning !!!!!!!!!!!! Listen lovely – i think i was laughing too much last night – MY ABS ARE KILLING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol 🙂 maybe i am gonna have a 12pack ? lol by the end of the day …..LOLOLOLOL ……. 6pack- 12 pack abs ? back to make u giggle and wishes for a beautifullllllllll week xoxoxooxoxox C

  1. 🙂 🙂 🙂 beauty in each verse..oh i believe …..
    and the last one made me so happy.. am closing my eyes and sending you a lovely hug 🙂
    wish you a lovely week ahead Lauren 🙂

  2. Caddo Veil

    This is wonderful, Lauren–great images–I really got into it (needed the escape tonight)! God bless you–love, sis Caddo

    1. Awww…thanks, Caddo, it was fun to imagine while writing it and I’m glad my timing was perfect for you, too! Sending you hugs and if you ever need “an ear” send me an email. I have two! 🙂 Love ya, sis!

  3. What a lovely piece, Lauren…a true work of art!. I’m taking your advice and am going there today!. I love this!
    Sending you much love and hugs xoxo

  4. I can close my eyes and imagine easily with the picture you paint, Lauren…..so very sweet, youthful and dreamy, your heart is as big and loving as your imagination! So glad to know you, my lady….

    1. Aww…Celeste! Thank you so much! You are so sweet and encouraging! I can say the same things about you, too, and am very glad to know you, too…Hugs, Blessings and xoxoxo

  5. Androgoth

    A magical adventure of the senses 🙂
    Yes I like this poem of yours very much
    my friend, you have such a lovely style 🙂

    Androgoth Xx

    1. Aww…thanks so much, Andro, and it’s good to see you! I’ve tried to visit your blog, but WP won’t let me…
      I hope you’re doing well and thanks so much for stopping by! 🙂

      1. Androgoth

        I will try sending you an invite my friend,
        I haven’t got many postings on mine at the moment as I saved and deleted 95% of them recently, you are welcome to call by though 🙂

        Have a wonderful evening 🙂


      2. Androgoth

        I am unable to send you an invite but you can request access by clicking on my username on the comment I am leaving, once it opens click request access and I will let you in 🙂

        Have a great evening 🙂


  6. This is really lovely Lauren. It would be so lovely to do able to fly, or swim with the dolphins and not worry about everyday life. Just beautiful xx

    1. Thanks so much, Bianca! Your words are the reason for me wanting to write something magical like this…it would be wonderful, so keep dreaming and believing, my friend~xx

    1. Well, thank you, Binky…I’m glad you liked this, although, my imagination can’t compare with the awesome trips you’ve taken to the moon, but that’s what dreaming is all about, right? Your visit truly made my day and I hope you have a wonderful day, too! 🙂

  7. rynnasaryonnah

    This is lovely! If only it’s THAT easy to REALLY be immersed in something magical and fantastical… Let me try now…

    *closes eyes, twinkles nose, crosses arms, curls toes, blinks three times, twirls, concentrates*

    Oh my, I feel like Samantha from Bewitched!

    1. I know…wouldn’t it be amazing if things were that easy? You made me smile and I loved Samantha in Bewitched! She was one of my inspirations for the nose twinkling! 🙂 Thanks so much, Rynna, for your wonderful comment!

  8. Blink three times. Curl your toes. I’ve got it all memorized – and it works. I’ve been flying with angels and swimming with dolphins. All I needed was the poetry. Beautiful Lauren. Virginia

  9. This is simply marvellous…yes, we should all close our eyes and let imaginations fly. Thank you Lauren, for the thoughts, words and imagery. Luv and hugz, Eric 🙂

      1. Christina loved it too. She looked over our shoulders while Emma and I were reading the poem. She’s been really busy this week in the real world but wanted to know what we were enjoying so much. After reading your poem she said, “she’s so good, I wish I were that good”. Those were her actual comments. Anyway universally your post was greatly enjoyed today in this household! Thanks again! 🙂

      2. Oh, Penny, thank you for sharing and please give Christina a big hug for me! Your complement was a perfect ending to my day! Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! This was fun to write, just very magical. I appreciate all your visits and I will be over your way this weekend…I’m always behind now in reading others work and it’s frustrating…anyway, thank you and have a wonderful Friday!

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