39 thoughts on “The Gift

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Joanna, and of course you can use the poem. I’m flattered! And thank you for asking about my books, too. If you click on the images on the right sidebar for each book, you’ll be taken to their Amazon pages for purchasing. Let me know if you have any trouble. Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy both! 💗

    1. Thanks, John. I’m happy you noted that. 🙂 And how are you doing in that crazy weather? I hope you’re staying warm and safe. Just watching the weather report on the news brings chills.

    1. You’re probably right, Ian. It’s that old saying that tomorrow is not guaranteed. We feel it more so when we’re in the serenity of the wilderness. When we leave, we pay the gift forward. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. I’m happy you liked this poem, Bette, and now I can say that you made my day! I truly hope you enjoy my book and I’m flattered by your lovely words. 💗💗

    1. Thanks, Michelle! It’s good to see you here! Hope you’re staying warm and safe. I’m not on fb that often, except to share blog posts. 🙂 Anyway, sending big hugs and lots of love to you, dear friend. xoxo

      1. I have hardly been on FB or any social media for months. I’m trying to stay active to keep from adding pounds. It’s working – I’ve lost quite a few. When I get online, the hours pass without me even noticing. xoxo

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